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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WEDNESDAY 12/13/11

So of course my day yesterday did not go according to plan, but it wasn't the worst day yet. OK so Trader Joe's has these Gingerbread man cookies, have you had them? Those little suckers are SO GOOD! I've bought them twice and put them out to share. And sad to say if they looked like this I don't think that would stop me from eating them:

It would just make my munching that much more funny to me if nothing else. LOL! But I had my breakfast as planned, was snacking on my grapefruit when my bladder demanded to be empty (happens to me all the time) and I walk past the sharing table and there they are (cue the glorious music). Spicy ginger bread goodness piled up in the middle of the table. Again I told myself don't do it, be strong. Every time I went to the bathroom there they were saying just try one. Please otherwise we would be here for nothing. Do you know that made me kind of run past the table. Whatever it takes right? Right! So I was VERY proud of myself for not touching the cookies. This  morning the scale only yielded ounces for my obedience, but HEY! I'll take whatever I can get. I started working on my spreadsheet yesterday, I almost have it set up the way I want it. So in between everything else I'll be working on that today. Oh and drinking more water. Let's get it in and let's get it done, right!

So for today I ate my banana mashed up with nasty oatmeal. A meatless sausage link (I need some more egg whites), and yogurt with fresh berries, flax seed meal, and granola. I actually feel a little on the full side. Yay! I know to in order to move this along a lot faster I need to go out there and face the cold... but it looks COLD out there. I remember it wasn't so bad once I got out there, but my body is begging me not to subject it to such cold elements. Oh what to do, what to do... we'll see how the day goes. There's nothing that says I cant go in the afternoon once its warmed up some. Hmmmm, I'll see.

Well I guess this is enough of me, how are you keeping it tight today?

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